[Freecol-developers] Introduction
Stijn Stiefelhagen
2014-10-19 11:14:59 UTC
Hi, I'm new here. My name is Stijn (nick name Kamos) and I'm from the Netherlands. Played Colonization as a kid and I still get back to it sometimes.
I saw this project on SourceForge, checked it out. I've been reading some code and tests, but find it difficult to get into. I'm missing the big picture. But if I keep going at it, it'll eventually become clearer. I don't have much experience with Java, but do have experience with c++, c# and actionscript.

I saw the message posted the other day that resource output in col1 is still a bit unclear and thought I could contribute to that ( https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/wiki/WWC1D%20-%20resource%20output%20v2/ ). It would be handy to have edit access and to be able to make new pages, so I can help fill in the blanks.

Furthermore I generated the docs from code (javadoc) and noticed it generated 70 errors and 100 warnings. Most of these warnings and errors are simple to fix and I wouldn't mind doing this. But what's the best way to go around this? I'm a bit new to GIT, but I think I would have to clone the project, make the changes, notify you guys and you pull in the changes? Or is it possible to make a new branch to which I can commit? (I mean I assume you don't give everyone access to commit to the main branch right away)

Michael T. Pope
2014-10-20 09:58:27 UTC
On Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:14:59 +0200
Stijn Stiefelhagen <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I'm new here. My name is Stijn (nick name Kamos) and I'm from the Netherlands.

Welcome to freecol-developers.

> Played Colonization as a kid and I still get back to it sometimes.
> I saw this project on SourceForge, checked it out. I've been reading some code and tests, but find it difficult to get into. I'm missing the big picture. But if I keep going at it, it'll eventually become clearer.

There is no easy way. Keep reading and good luck!

> I don't have much experience with Java

No worries. Nor did I when I started on FreeCol.

> I saw the message posted the other day that resource output in col1 is still a bit unclear and thought I could contribute to that ( https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/wiki/WWC1D%20-%20resource%20output%20v2/ ). It would be handy to have edit access and to be able to make new pages, so I can help fill in the blanks.

That is Lone_Wolf's project, is he ok with this?

> Furthermore I generated the docs from code (javadoc) and noticed it generated 70 errors and 100 warnings.

How did you generate the errors? The standard way I use is to run "ant
javadoc" which I made sure was error free just the other day before the
0.11.0 release. Are you sure you are working from the current trunk?

> Most of these warnings and errors are simple to fix and I wouldn't mind
> doing this. But what's the best way to go around this? I'm a bit new to
> GIT, but I think I would have to clone the project, make the changes,
> notify you guys and you pull in the changes?

The command shown to get a copy of the master tree at:
is the place to start. The usual procedure is that new contributors just
send patches here, and after <small number> of useful ones you get added
to the project with write commit privilege (see

As a suggestion --- you mention using c# which suggests you are using
windows --- we have a bunch of grief occurring in the shiny bright 0.11.0
release on windows when using full screen mode (see
How about trying to track that down? We have no current regular code
contributor that uses windows.

Mike Pope
2014-10-20 10:30:04 UTC
On 20-10-14 11:58, Michael T. Pope wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:14:59 +0200
> Stijn Stiefelhagen <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I saw the message posted the other day that resource output in col1 is still a bit unclear and thought I could contribute to that ( https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/wiki/WWC1D%20-%20resource%20output%20v2/ ). It would be handy to have edit access and to be able to make new pages, so I can help fill in the blanks.
> That is Lone_Wolf's project, is he ok with this?
Yes, i'm ok with it.

Kamos (stijn's nickname) comments have been useful already.

Stijn Stiefelhagen
2014-10-20 12:20:53 UTC
> Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 20:28:27 +1030
> From: ***@computer.org

> Welcome to freecol-developers.


> > I saw the message posted the other day that resource output in col1 is still a bit unclear and thought I could contribute to that ( https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/wiki/WWC1D%20-%20resource%20output%20v2/ ). It would be handy to have edit access and to be able to make new pages, so I can help fill in the blanks.
> That is Lone_Wolf's project, is he ok with this?

I didn't ask, I saw on the release notes from version 11 that his project needed help and just jumped in. I've mailed him about this, but just noticed he has already replied on the mailing list that it is ok :) Still, my apologies for not asking first.

> > Furthermore I generated the docs from code (javadoc) and noticed it generated 70 errors and 100 warnings.
> How did you generate the errors? The standard way I use is to run "ant
> javadoc" which I made sure was error free just the other day before the
> 0.11.0 release. Are you sure you are working from the current trunk?

I use NetBeans 8.0.1 on Windows 7 (I'm indeed a Windows user). Through the NetBeans IDE ant is called with "ant javadoc" (so no difference there). The warnings and errors pop up in an output window within NetBeans.
I'm also pretty sure I am working with the latest version. Even more so if https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/git/ci/master/tree/ is showing the current trunk.
And if that is so then I can point to an error it is giving me at https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/git/ci/master/tree/src/net/sf/freecol/server/ai/goal/Goal.java line 122:
"* </p><p>" -> error: unexpected end tag: </p>
Which appears to be a valid error in that context.
So I'm not sure what is going on here.

> The usual procedure is that new contributors just
> send patches here, and after <small number> of useful ones you get added
> to the project with write commit privilege (see
> http://www.freecol.org/how-to-contribute.html).

I understand. And I suppose fixing javadoc issues (if those issues exist) is in this case not a proper starting project: being that there are many small issues over many files.

> As a suggestion --- you mention using c# which suggests you are using
> windows --- we have a bunch of grief occurring in the shiny bright 0.11.0
> release on windows when using full screen mode (see
> https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/discussion/141200/thread/5eebcfcc/).
> How about trying to track that down? We have no current regular code
> contributor that uses windows.

I'm indeed a windows user and I'll have a go at that issue.

Thanks for your input!

Kind regards,
Michael T. Pope
2014-10-21 10:28:04 UTC
On Mon, 20 Oct 2014 14:20:53 +0200
Stijn Stiefelhagen <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>[Resources wiki]
> I've mailed him about this, but just noticed he has already replied on the mailing list that it is ok

Just got to this, you should be able to modify wiki pages now.

>>[70 errors and 100 warnings]
> I use NetBeans 8.0.1 on Windows 7 (I'm indeed a Windows user). Through the NetBeans IDE ant is called with "ant javadoc" (so no difference there). The warnings and errors pop up in an output window within NetBeans.
> I'm also pretty sure I am working with the latest version. Even more so if https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/git/ci/master/tree/ is showing the current trunk.
> And if that is so then I can point to an error it is giving me at https://sourceforge.net/p/freecol/git/ci/master/tree/src/net/sf/freecol/server/ai/goal/Goal.java line 122:
> "* </p><p>" -> error: unexpected end tag: </p>
> Which appears to be a valid error in that context.

I agree that is an error, and must conclude that Netbeans is somehow doing
more tests.

> I understand. And I suppose fixing javadoc issues (if those issues exist) is in this case not a proper starting project: being that there are many small issues over many files.

javadoc problems are worth fixing IMHO, but lower priority than actual

Mike Pope